TMJ Pain & Craniofacial Pain

Dr. Guzman explores best options for management of TMJ and Craniofacial pain.

A more in-depth approach to helping alleviate pain with TMJ and Craniofacial dysfunctions.  A brief exploration of palatal expansion, airflow, oral appliance [ALF and lower PADA] and cervical lordosis.  Watch to learn more. 

Collaboration of Physical Therapy and Myofunctional Therapy

Catherine Kangas, a myofunctional therapist addresses resting tongue posture and demonstrates how powerful an effect it has on the body. Physical therapy combined with myofunctional therapy is sometimes needed to get past roadblocks in treatment such as tongue restrictions. 

Treating Asymmetrical Patterns of the Body

This area of therapy focuses on correcting the body’s imbalances and movement patterns with use of specific exercises and manual therapy.

Long-term success of PRI based therapy is retraining the body with neurological and respiratory interventions (neuro-respiratory).